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Learning difficulties at an early age usually occur in a considerable percentage of students. It is normal, and you may have found that many children may have a harder time understanding certain topics than others. This does not always imply that the little ones have to present a problem. And it is that, in some cases, it can be due to factors as diverse as a vision deficiency or suffering from ADHD.

Disorders in child development are of great importance. Both on a social and personal level, when a child suffers from dysfunction, it is essential to carry out early attention actions. The objective is to accompany the children so that they can overcome difficulties and evolve appropriately. Early detection of problems is essential to achieving positive growth.


It should be noted that most learning difficulties are detectable in childhood and youth, so it is better to treat them as soon as possible. It is essential to achieve the full integration of all students in the classroom. Next, we will tell you what reasons trigger these difficulties, as well as what are the means to deal with them.

When learning problems occur, it is necessary to know the causes

The causes, as we warned before, can be very varied. In this sense, it is important to pay special attention to the educational evolution of the student. Although teachers play a key role in this matter, it is not always easy to identify the problem.

The educational system, which is usually made up of a set of goals to benefit students, remains insufficient. It is difficult to face the problem of the lack of economic investment in education, as well as overcrowded classrooms.

Ideally, each classroom should have a maximum number of 15 students. Otherwise, learning difficulties would increase. Not all students retain knowledge in the same way. Each of them learns at their own pace and with their ability to concentrate and retain information.

Among the disparity of problems that hinder the learning process, we must take into account the most common ones. But we must not leave those special cases helpless either, which present a minority.

Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD)

Attention deficit disorder is a problem that an increasing number of students present. This disorder is characterized by the difficulty of not being able to concentrate for a long period. In addition, it is often accompanied by hyperactivity and impulsivity.

If you look at children with ADHD, you will see that, on many occasions, they cannot sit still. They need to change their activity or sometimes their posture quickly. This can affect the rest of the class, but above all, it affects their acquisition of knowledge.

The problem with this disorder, unlike what has thought years ago, is that it is not the base. ADHD is a symptom of a larger condition. You just have to keep in mind that, at the time of being diagnosed, there may be an important disease. It is usually detected early. Many children end up being misunderstood or accused of being restless, regardless of the symptoms.

It is from the age of six when the cause of ADHD can be identified. It must be taken into account that many cases have ended up responding to the diagnosis of high-performance autism.


Dyslexia refers to learning problems that affect a student’s reading and writing. Decoding spellings versus sounds is one of the learning difficulties for a dyslexic. The affected child has difficulty reading, sometimes confusing similar letters. This causes, in turn, they do not understand what they see written, making it more difficult for them to retain the information.

Although minors may seem slow in acquiring vocabulary and even learning to speak, they retain their intelligence. His mental abilities are normal. The only problem, and one that can mark them for life, is the difficulty in deciphering the language.

With dyslexia, it is normal for related problems to arise. Thus, dysgraphia is very common in dyslexic children. This is characterized by motor difficulty to represent words in writing. Many times they become unintelligible, making the teaching work difficult and, sometimes, costing the student a bad grade. It must be emphasized that dysgraphia does not affect the student’s spelling, because their intelligence remains intact.

Central auditory processing disorders (CAPD)

Hearing disorders are not always easy to distinguish. Much emphasis is usually placed on the total deafness of minors, but this disorder is not always thought of. TPAC is not always easy to describe by the minor who suffers from it.

When there is a disturbance in central auditory processing, minimal background noise can influence comprehension. For example, the sound of the rain is enough for the student to not be able to perceive the teacher’s explanation. Which is another learning difficulty to highlight.

Intellectual disability

There are different types of intellectual disabilities. Some are very serious and differ greatly in children’s learning. Others, the mildest, can adapt without much difficulty to the rest of the class.

In both cases, specialized help is necessary for these little ones to progress positively. One of the most common concerns in parents is the socialization of their children, rather than learning itself.


Parents and teachers should form a team to promote the development of children and avoid, as far as possible, learning difficulties.

Of course, in many cases described above, the figure of the medical specialist will be necessary. In these situations, certain medications can be indicated to improve a condition, although the effort must be perseverance.

One achievement would be for the educational systems to equip all classrooms with tutors or educational psychologists. Many students require a different pace from the rest, as well as an exclusive educator for them, on an individual level.

It is necessary to motivate these little ones, in addition to teaching them study tactics in each case. Working memory and concentration are very important. Here the educational game has a fundamental role.

Psychomotor skills should not be left behind, relying on written exercises and the creation of simple strokes.

Learning difficulties are usually very varied. Once the causes have been located, an early solution must be found to correctly integrate the student into the classroom.



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