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Both moms and dads as well as educators, psychologists, caregivers, and other professionals who are in contact with children know this. Child autonomy is one of the priority objectives when educating children.

Today we bring you a post about the different methods and games that will make your boys and girls achieve more autonomy little by little. An aspect that, in addition to making them more independent, will give them more self-esteem. Can you come with us? So let's go!


The autonomy of children is the capacity by which our little ones become autonomous people. By this we mean: it is the ability to do activities and tasks on your own.

The promotion of children's autonomy must, of course, be adapted to their age. We cannot expect little ones to do actions or activities typical of an age that is not their own. Little by little, as they grow, children learn faster and faster, but they always do so accompanied by their parents and educators.


To accompany a child and gradually become more autonomous, we must take several things into account. For example, our goals. The most common is to help them become free, independent adults with the ability to make their own decisions.

While for moms and dads this will be quite a challenge, for the little ones it is an exciting adventure. Do not get nervous, it is normal to fail on many occasions. Even so, surely you draw inspiration from many of the actions of your little ones.


According to several international studies, autonomous children have fewer learning problems and maintain better social relationships. And it is that thanks to the promotion of this aptitude, children feel less vulnerable and know how to defend themselves before the world.

Even so, autonomy provides more benefits than those previously named. Let’s take a look at them:

  1. Independence: Children become less dependent on their parents.

  2. Hygiene: Generally, the first tasks that children with more autonomy learn are related to their hygiene. For example, learning to bathe alone, change clothes or go out to play in the garden or park.

  3. Better psychomotor development: By carrying out more activities, their motor development accelerates and matures faster.

  4. Self-esteem: Little ones are aware that they can do things well on their own feet. That is why it increases their self-esteem and self-recognition.


Here we present some of the activities with which you can promote children’s autonomy. Keep in mind that the first few days when you do them alone, everything will cost you more. But little by little you will gain the confidence to do these tasks alone.


If your child is young (over 6 months), he can experiment with solid food. Little by little, he or she will be able to discern what he likes, how he likes it, and how he eats it. An activity that, although it seems obvious, generates a lot of self-confidence and autonomy.

Over time, as the child grows, we can introduce more elements related to food. For example, the use of cutlery, education, manners or behavior at the table, preparing breakfast or a snack, and putting their utensils (glass, cutlery…).

If, in addition, the little one is interested in what you cook and how you cook it, it is also an option. Let him mix, for example, the ingredients for a cake and see how good it turns out. Easy right?


Fostering children’s autonomy in the field of hygiene is very easy. For example, you can suggest that he clean himself after going to the bathroom and wash his hands. Little by little, and always with your supervision, you can teach him to brush his teeth and hair.

Another option that you can carry out so that the child develops his autonomy is in the field of clothing. The easiest activities that you can suggest are: putting dirty clothes in their place, choosing their new outfit, or putting on pyjamas by themselves.

Home life

Make your bed, tidy up your toys and keep your clothes in place. These little things of everyday life will give the little one the option of being more autonomous. Try to find ways so that the child does not feel forced to do all these actions. If you motivate him to learn new things, he will quickly incorporate these habits.


Related to the previous points, here are some ideas to turn these tasks into fun games. An easy and motivating way to learn new things.

Find the partner:

One way to encourage the child to be more autonomous is to propose the game of “find the couple”. Show him the pile of clean socks and between the two of you try to find a match. When you have them all set up, ask him to put them away.

Then it’s time…

The game “then it’s time…” is a question-and-answer game. With it, boys and girls learn what tasks have to be done after a specific activity. For example, one of the questions could be: “I have already eaten. Then play…” and we would wait for the child to answer: “brush teeth”.

I see I see

Teaching a child to be autonomous is not easy. Sometimes they don’t see things the way we want them to see them. As we have said before, it is normal: we should not expect children to see through adult eyes. A trick to teach them some routines is the “I spy.” A typical game that you should practice in his room. Anytime you see something that should be in storage, we’ll get up and put it away.

Montessori Education is a great way to foster child autonomy and if you are looking for a Montessori for your child, you can contact Mutendi Montessori for the enrollment of your child.



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